How we live our yoga
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I just finished reading the book "How We Live Our Yoga" today. My favorite essay was written by Jeff Martens. He tells the story of a farmer who digs for a well, starting with a new hole each day instead of sticking with the same hole, which is meant to be a metaphor for the importance of seekers sticking with one spiritual path if they are to go deep within it. The author, like me, prefers to find inspiration from a variety of sources, instead of sticking with one religion, and so had a difficult time with this story. But he found a positive way to interpret this. He writes, "I was the farmer digging the well. But rather than many different holes, each teacher or spiritual path I had experienced represented a different digging tool rather than a different hole. This practice allowed me to dig deeper and deeper, concentrating on one hole all along......My surrender and devotion was to the path of vivekakhyati, true discernment, rather than to one particular guru or teaching."