5:06 PM Edit This 0 Comments »

Things that I want to manifest in this new season:
*Eating healthier meals and a lot less sugar!
*Making an effort to be positive and cheerful every single day!
*Being more grateful and appreciative of the people in my life!
*Bringing joy back into my work--and getting motivated again!
*Be appreciative of every single day--don't take a moment of it for granted!
*Build more exercise and movement into my routines!
*Be more conscious of my money spending and saving!
*Make time every day for something that I can look forward to!
*Follow my bliss-make time for the things I'm really passionate about!

The Big 5

8:30 AM Edit This 0 Comments »
Yesterday I listened to a podcast where the author of Life's Safari talks about "The Big 5"--identifying 5 things you must do in your life so that you when you die you will feel fulfilled and happy with your life. After brainstorming a list of ideas....I think that these 5 are the most important things that I need to accomplish in my life as of today:
1. Grow up Jenya--so that he is a happy, fulfilled, well-adjusted, good-morals person.
2. Create a wonderful, happy marriage by being a loving, supportive, accepting partner.
3. Feel completely happy and content with every area of my life.
4. Like myself. Love everything about me!
5. Live according to my values: with integrity, be a good person to everybody, forgive easily, be accepting and understanding, and have nothing but good feelings towards everyone.


4:22 PM Edit This 0 Comments »

As part of the assignment for the Creativity Circle that I'm in, I put together a collage...one of my favorite forms of creative expression! I decided to work on it on Friday night, because my son would be at a middle school party for 2 hours and I'd have that time to myself. I went to the drugstore and picked up 3 new magazines with appealing images (.....but found that I couldn't rip them up because there were so many things I wanted read). At home, I put my i-tunes on shuffle, spread (older) magazines all over the bedroom floor and spent at least an hour looking for pictures I liked. I had no purpose in mind, but the pictures that I was drawn to were all women, almost all alone, doing things that I love to do: yoga, reading, journal-writing, biking, smiling, dancing and enjoying solitude and nature. The theme that emerged was in tune with one of my missions, which I decided to print out and add to the collage. My collage ended up taking up two whole scrapbook pages and this morning I added it to my altar.

Mission statement: "I will make time in my life for self-love, following my bliss, and spiritual growth so that I can grow into a more joyful, loving and wise person who is able to bring happiness into the lives of myself and others. I will mindfully live my life in accordance with my values and follow a path that leads towards my vision."

Happy Winter

4:49 PM Edit This 0 Comments »

Happy Winter Tree Climbing!

I am grateful...

4:34 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
I am grateful.....that we had a snow day (gift from the universe!) yesterday, that I have time to myself to play on my blog, for my family, that I can walk to work, for being inspired to work on my little scrapbook (pictures forthcoming after I get camera fixed--which broke on the snow day when we went sledding--probably from me jumping headfirst on the sled to get it moving downhill and forgetting that the camera was in my coat pocket--I think I broke the screen), for the on-line creativity circle that I'm taking part in, for the Paper Arts class that I'm taking, for the Japanese class that I'm taking, that me and my loved one are getting along and haven't had a fight in a really long time, that I've abstained from chocolate for a total of 5 days now, that I'm rewarding myself with a big chocolatey ben and jerry's ice cream sundae on Saturday, that I'm in a book club which gives me a good excuse to buy more books, for neighborhood game night which is so fun and addicting, for arrowwood which is so cheap and in the best location in the world, for having enough of everything that I need and want....


7:37 AM Edit This 0 Comments »

Jenya took photos from the car on our way downtown and I like how they turned out! I love living just a few miles from downtown...we picked the perfect place to settle.