4:22 PM Edit This 0 Comments »As part of the assignment for the Creativity Circle that I'm in, I put together a of my favorite forms of creative expression! I decided to work on it on Friday night, because my son would be at a middle school party for 2 hours and I'd have that time to myself. I went to the drugstore and picked up 3 new magazines with appealing images (.....but found that I couldn't rip them up because there were so many things I wanted read). At home, I put my i-tunes on shuffle, spread (older) magazines all over the bedroom floor and spent at least an hour looking for pictures I liked. I had no purpose in mind, but the pictures that I was drawn to were all women, almost all alone, doing things that I love to do: yoga, reading, journal-writing, biking, smiling, dancing and enjoying solitude and nature. The theme that emerged was in tune with one of my missions, which I decided to print out and add to the collage. My collage ended up taking up two whole scrapbook pages and this morning I added it to my altar.
Mission statement: "I will make time in my life for self-love, following my bliss, and spiritual growth so that I can grow into a more joyful, loving and wise person who is able to bring happiness into the lives of myself and others. I will mindfully live my life in accordance with my values and follow a path that leads towards my vision."
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